What is the Price of Scalpel with Blade?

August 28, 2023

What is the Price of a Scalpel with Blade? A Comprehensive Guide by Medical Scalpel

The world of medical supplies is vast and varied, with tools ranging from the most advanced devices to the simplest surgical instruments. Among the most essential tools in any medical professional’s kit is the humble scalpel. But how much does a scalpel with blade cost? Today, at Medical Scalpel, we’re going to delve into the pricing nuances of this crucial instrument.

A Broad Overview

Medical equipment suppliers often cater to a broad market, providing everything from home medical supplies to durable medical equipment (DME). However, when it comes to surgical scalpels, blades, and handles, the range narrows down. The prices vary based on the brand, quality, type, and even the region.

Factors Influencing the Price

  • Brand and Quality: Just like in any market, brands have their reputation. Some medical supply brands have been in the business for decades, known for their consistent quality and reliability. Naturally, these may come at a slightly higher cost than lesser-known brands. At MedicalScalpel.com, we provide a selection of top-notch brands, ensuring you get value for your money.
  • Type of Scalpel and Blade: There are disposable scalpels where the blade is permanently attached to the handle, and there are those with replaceable blades. Depending on your requirement, the prices can differ.
  • Bulk Purchases and Discounts: Purchasing in bulk or looking for wholesale medical supplies can often lead to cost savings. We’re proud to offer surgical scalpels, blades, and handles at the lowest prices, guaranteed!

Why Choose Medical Scalpel?

For those wondering, “Where can I find a medical supply store near me that offers the best deals on scalpels?”, look no further. Medical Scalpel isn’t just about selling instruments; it’s about ensuring customer satisfaction. Our commitment to world-class customer service means we put your needs first. Need your supplies urgently? We can deliver your surgical scalpels, blades, and handles in as little as 48 hours!

Moreover, with the rising need for OSHA compliance, our surgical blade products can help you stay OSHA compliant. We have developed best-in-class sharps solutions suitable for a myriad of surgical approaches.


In conclusion, the price of a scalpel with a blade depends on several factors, but rest assured, with Medical Scalpel, you’re getting top-tier products at unbeatable prices. We’re here to help you stay sharp in your medical endeavors. Visit www.medicalscalpel.com for the latest deals and products today!

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